Current perspectives: Challenges and opportunities in compensation strategies to attract and retain talent
In recent years, executive compensation models in Brazil have undergone significant transformations, driven by economic shifts and market demands. Companies are adapting their compensation strategies to attract and retain top talent, focusing on four key elements: base salary, annual bonuses (short-term incentives – ICP), benefits, and long-term incentives (LTI). Additionally, the specific challenges of LTIs vary across economic sectors, requiring tailored solutions to align the interests of executives and shareholders, fostering sustainable long-term results.
This material is particularly valuable for HR professionals, executives in companies undergoing expansion or restructuring, and organizational leaders who need to adjust their compensation policies to remain competitive in an increasingly dynamic market.
Topics covered in the study:
- Transformations in executive compensation models;
- Base salary for top executives;
- Annual Bonuses – Short-Term Incentives (ICP);
- Customized benefits;
- Challenges in Long-Term Incentives (LTI).
in Portuguese